
Maintain and repair your watch



时间:2021-01-21 15:45:43



江诗丹顿与久负盛名的巴黎卢浮宫博物馆(MUSÉE DU LOUVRE)携手合作

VacheronConstantin and the prestigious Museum of the Louvre (Mus É e du Louvre)

        此次独家合作将在工艺、高级钟表、艺术和文化领域开展多项合作及联合创作。江诗丹顿曾于2016年与卢浮宫合作,联手修复了于卢浮宫展出的18世纪传奇座钟“创世纪”(La Création du Monde)。

        This exclusive cooperation will carry out a number of cooperation and joint creation in the fields of crafts, advanced clocks and watches, art and culture.In 2016, in collaboration with the Louvre, he restored the legendary 18th century clock "La Cr é ation du Monde" on display in the Louvre.



        Throughout the history of the brand, VacheronConstantin has been committed to the field of art and culture, reflected in many partnerships.The cooperation with the Louvre is natural, showing the brand's praise and promotion of beauty, and its continuous concern for the preservation, protection and dissemination of art treasures.

         江诗丹顿全球行政总裁陆意斯(Louis Ferla)说道:“我对此次合作表示热切欢迎,我们双方都拥有数百年的历史且在当今不断稳步发展,深受一众鉴赏家青睐就是最佳证明。长久以来,江诗丹顿投身于艺术的同时,也致力于文化赞助。如今,我们正携手卢浮宫,共同开启未来的崭新篇章。要在艺术和文化领域进行具有建设性意义的对话,没有比卢浮宫更好的合作伙伴了。”

        Louis Ferla, global chief executive of VacheronConstantin, said: "I warmly welcome this cooperation. Both of us have hundreds of years of history and are developing steadily today. It is the best proof that we are favored by many connoisseurs. For a long time, when he devoted himself to art, he also devoted himself to cultural sponsorship. Now, together with the Louvre, we are opening a new chapter in the future. There is no better partner than the Louvre to have a constructive dialogue in the field of art and culture. "


Introduction to the Louvre



        The Louvre, formerly known as the Royal Palace of France, has been open to the public for more than eight centuries since 1793. The Louvre is a world-famous Museum. Its collection dates back to 9000 years ago and covers five continents. There are 620000 treasures in the Louvre, including Mona Lisa, victory of samotheres and Venus of Milo. In 2018, the Louvre received 10.2 million visitors, making it one of the most visited museums in the world.

江诗丹顿为卢浮宫专场拍卖会呈献独家合作的 LES CABINOTIERS阁楼工匠定制款腕表

Justin Johnson presents exclusive les cabinoniers loft craftsman customized watch for the Louvre special auction


        作为卢浮宫博物馆(Louvre Museum)的合作伙伴,江诗丹顿将参加卢浮宫于12月1日至15日在佳士得拍卖行官网(www.christies.com)举办的“以卢浮宫之名(Bid For the Louvre)”线上专场拍卖会,并捐赠一枚独一无二的Les Cabinotiers阁楼工匠定制款腕表。这不仅是一枚珍贵的时计杰作,更让藏家能通过这一难得的机会,在巴黎和日内瓦之间展开一次与众不同的难忘体验,感受艺术与工艺的美妙邂逅。在巴黎,藏家将在卢浮宫中进行私享之旅,从丰富的馆藏中选择一件艺术珍品,由江诗丹顿艺术大师运用微绘珐琅或灰阶珐琅工艺栩栩再现于表盘上。在日内瓦,藏家将造访江诗丹顿日内瓦总厂,在丰富的个性化选择中尽情抒发自己的巧思,参与打造这枚独一无二的时计。时计的拍卖收益将用于支持卢浮宫的共济(solidarity)社会教育项目。参与此次拍卖会的全球精品品牌和当代艺术家们均将悉数捐献所有拍品的收益,为这一项目提供慷慨支持。

        As a partner of the Louvre Museum, VacheronConstantin will participate in the Louvre's auction on Christie's website from December 1 to 15( www.christies.com )"Bid for the Louvre" online auction and donation of a unique les cabinotiers loft craftsman customized watch. This is not only a precious masterpiece of chronometer, but also a rare opportunity for collectors to have a unique and unforgettable experience between Paris and Geneva, and experience the wonderful encounter of art and craft. In Paris, collectors will take a private tour in the Louvre Palace to select an art treasure from the rich collection, which will be vividly displayed on the dial by master VacheronConstantin using micro painted enamel or gray-scale enamel technology. In Geneva, collectors will visit the Geneva General Factory of VacheronConstantin, express their own ideas in the rich personalized choice, and participate in the creation of this unique timepiece. The proceeds from the auction will be used to support the Louvre's solidarity social education program. Global boutique brands and contemporary artists participating in the auction will donate all the proceeds of the auction to provide generous support for the project.

本文链接: http://www.vacheronconstantinbj.com/llszx/383.html



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